
Archive - August 2006

Mike and Jeanne Melon- 5108 Feliciana Drive

DSC03467.JPGJeanne and Gregory left New Orleans mid-day on Saturday before Katrina hit.  Mike, a bi-vocational pastor, completed his work shift and got home just after Jeanne had left.  He had planned to leave immediately.  But, when he got home he discovered that two senior adults had no way out of the city and would not leave.  Mike purposed to ride out the storm and try to take care of them. 

Mike’s storm pictures are a bit daunting.  It evidences the magnitude of the wind damage and the amount of water that came into his neighborhood in Gentilly.  His house began taking water about 8:30am and he watched as the water came up the road.  He said it was almost surreal.  He and the dog relocated to the attic with some food and an axe in case he had to cut his way out.  About 1pm in the afternoon after writing his name and social security number on his body, Mike and his dog came out of the attic.  He waded in chest deep water to see how the two women had fared.  He went first to Ms. Shirley’s.  She had been standing on tiptoes for several hours unable to get out of the flood water.  He then went to Ms. Connie’s.  Carrying both women and his dog he swam to Mirabeau and Press Drive.  It was all he could do to keep their heads above water.  Exhausted, he saw a boat and was able to get all of them into the boat and to dry ground on Gentilly Blvd. 

Mike stayed through the week and did not leave until Friday.  He worked with Bethel Colony out of their building in Indian Village trying to get as many people to high ground as possible.   (photo gallery) 

Stayed in the neighborhood
Felt Katrina’s wrath
Saw the water coming
Got out of its path

Senior ladies stranded
Carefully rescued two
Carried them to safety
God sent a boat to use

No way to explain
Courage well displayed
Mike just knew he was needed
Jesus carried him through

Through hidden dangers
Through hours filled with pain
The work was hard and daunting
Mike did what he could do

This isn’t just a story
It’s a flesh and blood event
How Christ used his servant
Mike was heaven sent

Mike is not a quitter
Neither is his wife
A bi-vocational pastor
They worked hard to make their life

Today they still serve Jesus
Although in another locale
But when Katrina came calling
Mike was there to meet the demand

Many things together
Make a person what they are
Mike is a Christian hero
In Gentilly he made his stand

Clay Corvin 8/8/06