
Archive - April 2013

Triangle. Square. Arrow. -JASON C. DUKES

Father and Son and Spirit in unity and love together.
Love can’t be held in a box.
Love is compelled to give love.

Time. Space. Earth.
Garden. Man. Woman. God.
Love sends beloved to enjoys what’s been made.

Man. Woman. Choice.
Serpent. Tree of life. Tree of more. Woman decides.
Love mercifully sends away selfishness to die.

Covenant. Geography. People.
Multiply. Bless. Tree of more again. Divide.
Love graciously sends then restores.

Legalism. Licentiousness. Emmanuel.
Rome. Jews. Authority. Disturbance.
Love selflessly buries selfishness then rises.

Live for self. Live for God. Live WITH GOD.
Believing. Confessing. Depending. Restored.
Love, as Sent One, now sends beloved.

Listen. Learn. Love.
One Christ. One mission. One church. One another.
Love given together to neighbors and nations.

Groom. Bride. Wedding.
No more evil. No more tears. No more death. Hope no more.
Love welcomes beloved as intended, fully restored.

jason c dukes


You didn’t need, but were compelled.
To share communion, love, and worth.
The Word existing beyond the now
Breathed life in dust, brought heaven to earth.

I think I need more than You gave.
Delight in more. Discontent. Ongoing strife.
The Word made flesh one time You came
Resurrection needed. My untombed life.

I need You. Lord I need You. Every hour I need You.
You’ve blessed me now my Savior. You came to me.

Need forgotten. Accolades.
Pride swells. Favor won.
You were already proud of me
Not my own merit. But Your Son.

I need You. Lord I need You. Every hour I need You.
You’ve blessed me now my Savior. You came to me.

Help me remember. Keep believing.
My independence no longer chase.
So unaware of how much I need You.
More gratefulness for Your grace.

I need You. Lord I need You. Every hour I need You.
You’ve blessed me now my Savior. You came to me.

We need You. Lord we need You. Every hour we need You.
You’ve blessed us now our Savior. You came to us.

jason c dukes


A great husband, Jonann was the center of his life
A great father, Will was the star in his crown
A great student, he worked hard to grow
A great teacher, he loved to teach the Book of Job
A great pastor, taking care of the Father’s children
A great leader, people followed him as he followed the Lord
A great man, people saw his Christ like walk
A great Bible Scholar, his work was studious and fruitful

Rick touched you by his care
Encouraged you by his faith in Jesus
Guided you by his teaching of God’s Word
Strengthened you by his faith
Assured you by his faithfulness

His life was challenging and Jesus always shined through
His wife always by his side, she was his superstar
His son blessed him and was at the heart of his love

Father we loved Rick and we miss his presence
We wanted many more years with him and now he is with You
Help us to remember his teaching about You
His life for You

Rick wanted us to know You better and now he sees You face to face
Jonann and Will and all of us need Your healing
Lord give us strength, hear our tears
Rick we will see you soon
Thank you for teaching us about Jesus, we love you

Clay Corvin, April 5, 2013